– Download sheet music here : https://www.musicnotes.com/marketplace/sheetmusic/MK0013703
– Amazon Music Shop : https://amzn.to/3BUk1A2
– HTP TV Guide, Notes on violin (fingering tutorial) : https://youtu.be/M_4_2sx9ph8
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Baby String = E (Mi) String,
Mommy String = A (La) String,
Daddy String = D (Re) String),
Grand pa String = G (Sol) String
Very Easy : Mostly key in A or D, all fingers on the tapes
Easy : Mostly key in G, mixed with low2, high3
Medium : other keys mixed with low1, high1, low4
Hard : mixed with 3rd position
Very hard : mixed with 2nd, 4th, 5th positions
#hymn #easyviolinpiece #freesheetmusic #찬송가 #violinlesson
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